Adelie penquins, as far as the eye could see. Altogether we saw 4 different types of penquins.
A closer look at Adelie penquins.
This one is called the Chinstrap penquin, for obvious reasons.
More Chinstraps, some nesting.
Gentoo penquins, identified by their 'ear muffs'.
The only Macaroni penguin we saw, in the middle of a colony of Chinstraps.
Gentoo penquins nesting.
Adelie penquins on an iceberg.
Crabeater seals on an iceberg.
Elephant seals, molting.
Orca whales swam right along side and under our ship.
More Orcas.
The fluke of a humpback whale.
Gentoo penquins on the 'penguin highway'.
Adelie penquins swimming.
December 2016