On our way to Victoria from the airport, we visited Butchart Gardens.
More of the Butchart Gardens.
Another photo from Butchart!
Debbie among the trees and flowers at the Gardens.
The Japanese gardens at Butchart.
Amongst the blooms in Butchart Gardens. We sure don't get flowers like this in Halifax in October!
Of course, we can't pass a winery without stopping. This is the Church and State Winery outside Victoria.
The Parliament Buildings.
Totem poles in downtown Victoria.
The busy inner harbour. We stayed at the building with the turret behind the white structure on the far shore.
The view along Fisherman's Wharf, just outside downtown Victoria.
Fish and chips at Fisherman's Wharf.
There were a couple of seals looking for handouts at Fisherman's Wharf.
Taking the water taxi in the Victoria Harbour.
The Empress Hotel from the harbour.
Sep - Oct 2009