Our Travels

Mediterranean Cruise - Barcelona to Rome
Our Travels
On Board

Our cruise was with Barb and Ross. We spent a lot of time on their balcony!

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Nice, France

The stoney beach on the Mediterranean.

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Eze, France

A medieval village not far from Nice.

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Looks familiar, just can't place it.

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Debbie hanging on near the top of the tower.

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We rented this Peugeot convertible for our day in Lucca and Pisa. Very nice!

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We had a nice lunch here in town after visiting Pisa.

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Vatican City

St. Peter's Basilica.

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The Altare della Patria, also known as the Monumento Nazionale a Vittorio Emanuele II, and also known as the 'Wedding Cake'.

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The Roman Colosseum.

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And yours truly in the Colosseum.

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Apparently the Trevi Fountain is fairly popular!

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On Board

Everyone gathers on deck as we pass the Stromboli volcano.

Our Mediterranean Cruise

May 2008

Our Travels

Page 2: Sicily to Venice