Our Travels

Older Trips - Newfoundland

Our Travels

Waterfall in Gros Morne National Park.

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We took a boat tour on Western Brook Pond in Gros Morne. It rained most of the time we were there!

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The rocky coastline.

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Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland.

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A typical coastline village.

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Another typical coastal scene.

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The coastal town of Trinity where parts of the movie `The Shipping News` were filmed.

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We took a boat to see the puffins. It was cold and windy.

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More coastal villages, this time near St. John`s.

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Cape Spear, just outside St. John`s, is the most easterly point in North America.

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Signal Hill, on a hill overlooking the capital of St. John`s.

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St. John`s from Signal Hill.

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A typical street of colourful houses in downtown St. John`s.

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Debbie at one of the more than 20 bars on George Street in St. John`s.